Our seminars provide vital information that will inform, protect and save lives during the most dangerous situations.
Our Seminars
Self Defense Seminar
This seminar is focused on PREPARING INDIVIDUALS OF ALL AGES to protect themselves in real-life scenarios while developing situational awareness. Students learn how to defend against an intensive attack, perform basic self-defense actions against a wide range of possible assaults, using only the force necessary to subdue the assailant in ANY SITUATION.
Active Shooter Prevention & Preparation
A customized prevention and preparedness workshop of what to do and how to react in an active shooter situation.
Elite Counter-Terror
This high-level seminar focuses on armed counter-terrorism situations. It is designed for law enforcement and public safety agencies, the military, EMS and other security teams and agencies.
Corporate Safety Traveling and Consulting
This seminar focuses on safe traveling and how to respond if being targeted while traveling abroad.

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